Welcome to Public Safety Institute

PSI provides services world wide in public safety forensic analysis, consultancy, research, education and training. Using our global network of expert consultants we can tackle projects to ensure a more effective response to tomorrow’s public safety challenges from disaster management to technical rescue.


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Swiftwater Breathing Apparatus

PSI have pioneered SWBA® , the new safe system of work set to revolutionize how we protect flood and swiftwater rescuers.


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  • Jul 18
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New Edgecumbe Flood study published

New University of Otago study on responder experiences to the 2017 Edgecumbe Flood now published in MDPI Animals. (more…)

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  • Jul 12
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New study reveals Kiwi’s want animals better protected in disaster law reform

Press Release: Publication of "No Animal Left Behind" article highlights campaign success and future legislative needs.


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  • Jun 19
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Tiger SWBA: a game changer!

The new Tiger Swiftwater Breathing Apparatus (SWBA) system is set to take swiftwater to the next level in operator safety. (more…)

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