Swiftwater Breathing Apparatus Operator is a blended mode course to become approved operator of SWBA®.
- Current swiftwater technician certification (recognized i.e. IPSQA, PUASAR002, DEFRA Module 3, NFPA etc), and;
- Current certification to ISO 24801-1 or higher (supervised diver). These short courses are available from dive agencies worldwide, such as SSI and SDI.
The above must be uploaded as part of this course and be able to be publicly verified.
Target Audience:
This 90-minute online course is aimed at those who completed swiftwater technician and basic SCUBA diver training to orientate them to the use of Swiftwater Breathing Apparatus (SWBA).
Students who only complete the online theory module and quiz (i.e. do not hold the co-requisites) are provided an e-SWBA certificate which can be used for professional development or continuing education purposes.
This course is mandatory prior to practically using SWBA for entities complying with the Good Practice Guide - Swiftwater Breathing Apparatus.
Following completion of this course, we also offer and are developing additional country specific online learning modules on SWBA® regulatory requirements. Currently, we offer a module and examination specific to New Zealand and a discussion on the United Kingdom's legislative framework . Agencies in New Zealand should require completion of the NZ specific examination in addition to SWBA® Operator Certification. Country specific modules are open to all students who complete this course.
Course Content
This course covers the following:
- SWBA Overview
- SWBA Products
- Good Practice Guide: SWBA
- SWBA Operating Guide
A digital certificate is issued upon completion of online learning, online examination, and verification of pre-requisite certifications.
Important Note: Practical training in the use of SWBA is strongly recommended upon completion of this course through our network of SWBA® Specialist Instructors. Upon completion of practical training, the provider issues their "SWBA® Specialist" Certificate, using our trademark under license.
SWBA® is a protected trademark and is used under license. The content of this course is protected by copyright, except for content developed by third parties as credited.

Start now your online learning to become a SWBA® Operator.
You will need to have our SWBA Operator Subscription Plan to access this course.