Takulandilani ku Public Safety Institute

PSI imapereka ntchito padziko lonse lapansi pakuwunika zachitetezo cha anthu, upangiri, kafukufuku, maphunziro ndi maphunziro. Pogwiritsa ntchito gulu lathu lapadziko lonse la alangizi a akatswiri titha kuthana ndi ma projekiti kuti titsimikizire kuyankha kogwira mtima ku zovuta zamawa zachitetezo cha anthu kuyambira pakuwongolera masoka mpaka kupulumutsa mwaukadaulo.


Werengani zambiri

misonkhano yathu

Chiwonetsero Chowonetsera Mavidiyo


Swiftwater Breathing Apparatus

PSI yachita upainiya SWBA® , njira yatsopano yotetezeka yogwirira ntchito kuti isinthe momwe timatetezera opulumutsira madzi osefukira ndi kusefukira.


Werengani zambiri

Nkhani zaposachedwa

  • Apr 21
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FREE flood safety course for the people of UAE

PSI is offering it's Flood Worker Safety course at no charge to the people of the UAE, in solidarity of the historic flooding across the Emirates. (Zambiri…)

Werengani zambiri
  • Apr 18
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UAE Flooding: How we can help build resilience

With historic levels of rainfall, the UAE has been hit hard by flooding. We stand together to help the people of the Emirates. (Zambiri…)

Werengani zambiri
  • Mar 20
  • 0

Wilderness SAR covers SWBA study

Our initial study on SWBA from 2023 has been published in the latest issue of WILDERNESS SAR. (Zambiri…)

Werengani zambiri