Жаңа SWBA мамандары сертификатталған

Өрт, құтқару және жедел жәрдем саласында шыққан құтқару мамандары бүгін NSW-де SWBA мамандары ретінде сертификатталды.

Following completing online and pre-requisite training (SCUBA and Swiftwater), professionals from Queensland and New South Wales completed the new four-hour SWBA Specialist course on the Nymboida River taught by new instructors Phil Benfield and Garry Goodey. These specialists mark a milestone in flood water rescue history, as the second cohort of SWBA specialists being certified under the new safe system of work.

For many, it was a time to reconnect given SWBA Instructor Trainers Dr Steve Glassey and Geoff Bray having taught some of the participants previously on other courses such as flood water vehicle rescue and management of body recovery operations.

Some of the participants stayed on to help test some of the next generation SWBA systems we are developing in partnership with various manufacturers.