Exercise & Workshops

Swiftwater and flood response personnel will converge onto Vector Wero to be provided continuing professional development and participate in a mass casualty flood exercise.

Saturday 21st – 22nd June 2025

Vector Wero, Great South Road, Manukau, Auckland

Up to 100 swiftwater responders and rescue technicians converge for the largest flood rescue workshop and exercise in New Zealand history.

Following an initial swim competency test, the weekend is compromised of mixed cross-agency teams to build pre-event relationships across various skill stations.

Swiftwater Technicians also complete pre-event online learning so they can be awarded swiftwater vehicle rescue (SRTV®) certification upon completion of workshop activities. 

A wide range of skills will be covered across more than 12 skill stations to introduce new techniques as well as refresh baseline skills at the participants respective qualification level, including vehicle rescue, decontamination, roof access, advanced swimming and more.

The Saturday evening includes a networking BBQ as well as as mass casualty exercise.

A values-based team challenge activity and debrief on the Sunday completes the workshop prior to an awards ceremony.

Skill stations include:

  • Vehicle rescue using wading and sled methods
  • Shore-based vehicle stabilisation
  • Decontamination
  • Advanced throw bag methods
  • Reach pole systems
  • Advanced contact rescue for vehicle operations*
  • Paddle boat handing (Grade 2)
  • Paddle boat handling (Grade 3)*
  • Advanced swimming (> Grade 3)*
  • Advanced cinches
  • Inflatable fire hose
  • Roof access and entry
  • Spinal management
  • Practical resuscitation
  • Vehicle glass breaching and management
  • EV familiarisation

NB: Skill stations subject to change. * for technician level participants

Target Audience

Swiftwater operators and technicians from:

  • New Zealand Response Teams
  • Fire & Emergency New Zealand
  • Coastguard New Zealand
  • Surf Lifesaving New Zealand
  • Australian Emergency Service Organisations (SES/Fire/Rescue)
  • Other invited emergency response teams


Registration for this workshop is for invited teams and a registration fee applies. Observers are permitted where approved prior by conference organisers. Attendees agree that photographic or video footage may be recorded and used in related marketing including social media and news releases.

Teams are responsible for all travel, accommodation, and other related costs. Packed lunches are provided both days to participants and a BBQ dinner is supplied for the Saturday night. No other meals or refreshments are supplied.

Teams must ensure their participating members have suitable PPE and hold a valid swiftwater responder or technician certification and make this available for inspection. It is strongly recommended that members wear dry suits given the climate in June.

PUASAR002 Recognition of Prior Learning Access

Those who complete SRTV® requirements, may also be eligible for Recognition of Learning by Group 314 for the Australian Public Safety Competencies PUASAR001 and PUASAR002 (additional fee applies). Learn more.